BSI Group Announces Annual Results in the UK


24 April 2003


British Standards, the National Standards Body (NSB) at the heart of the BSI Group, had another prolific year in 2002 with a record standards output. Over 180,000 standards were sold and a record 2,000 new standards published. An increasing proportion of its output is now "informal standards" - which are produced jointly by British Standards and its customers - reflecting both its commitment to customer focus and its responsiveness to current and future market needs.

This approach should be accelerated in a partnership with DTI and CBI on the National Standardisation Strategic Framework (NSSF). By putting innovation and customer needs centre stage, the NSSF represents the most significant development in the evolution of standardisation in the UK for many years.

Key to its strategy and growth, the BSI Group as a whole continued to extend its reach and operations in international markets, further developing its worldwide presence and capability. The acquisition of KPMG Quality Registrars' North American ISO management systems certification business positioned BSI Group as the number one registrar in North America. Other office and facility openings spanned the globe from Korea, Japan, Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong to Brazil, Bahamas, Panama, Puerto Rico and Mexico.

The National Standards Body also extended its international activities with an extensive programme of technical assistance to other governments and NSBs in Turkey, Egypt, Russia, Albania, Ethiopia and Romania.

BSI Group today also announced the appointment of W Wayne Booker, formerly vice-chairman of Ford Motor Company's Global Operations, to the BSI Board. Mr Booker joins BSI on 1 May 2003 as a non-executive director. His wealth of experience in the automotive sector and in developing new markets including those in Asia and the Americas, will boost its global capability.

Financial highlights

Strong results have been delivered by the BSI Group against a backdrop of general reduction in international trade post the events of 11 September 2001.

  • Increase in operating profit (including associates but excluding exceptionals and goodwill amortisation) of £21.3 million compared to £21.1 million for the year to 31 December 2001
  • Group turnover up at £232.8 million

    Commenting on the results, Chairman Sir David John KCMG said:

    "I am pleased to report a strong performance in a difficult international trading environment. These results are a credit to the management and staff and I warmly thank them all for their efforts."

    A copy of the BSI Group Annual Review and Summary Financial Statements 2002 can be found on our website at: